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6 Common types of residential locks : Guide by top Locksmith in Dubai

6 Common types of residential locks : Guide by top Locksmith in Dubai

Aug-11-2023 | By Admin

Whether you are planning to update your home’s locks system or your building a house and want to install a new lock, you have a wide variety of options to choose from. Residential locksmiths or locks play a crucial role in keeping your home safe and secure. However, the residential lock that you choose for your property matters a lot.

Most people usually purchase locks for their residential property only to find out later that they made the wrong choice. Although all residential locks are designed for the same purpose: securing your home, some work better in some situations than others. That is why it is important to choose the right type of residential locks that suits your residential property.

6 Types of Residential Locks

In this article, we will discuss 6 common types of residential locks.

  1. Deadbolts 

Deadbolts are one of the most common types of residential locks on the market. The reason why they are very popular in most residential properties in Dubai is because of the security protection they provide. If you install a deadbolt lock on your residential property, then it is will be very difficult for an unauthorized person to gain access. Unlike other types of residential locks, deadbolts cannot be opened with sharp hand tools. That is why they are commonly used to secure exterior doors.

There are two types of deadbolt locks. They include single cylinder locks and double cylinder locks. The single-cylinder deadbolt lock is the one that is mostly installed in residential properties. Single-cylinder deadbolts have keyed cylinders on one side while double cylinders have keyed cylinders on both sides of the door.

However, it is important to note that deadbolt locks are not built the same. They are available in different grades, meaning some can withstand more force than others. So, when purchasing a deadbolt for your door, make sure you know its grade. Single cylinder deadbolt locks are the most used for residential property but those who want extra protection can install double-cylinder deadbolts.

  1. Door knob locks

Door knob locks are widely used in residential properties because they are durable and easy to use. Unlike deadbolt locks that are mostly used on exterior doors, door knob locks are used on interior doors. They are not ideal for exterior use because they are not very secure as is the case with deadbolt locks. This means that thieves and buglers can easily break into your house if you install this lock type on the exterior door. If used on the exterior, then they should be paired with deadbolts for added security.

However, door knob locks thrive when used on interior doors. They are easy to use and provide quick passage. Additionally, if someone locks him/herself in the room and has an emergency, then you will not have a hard time breaking in.

  1. Cylinder lever locks

Cylinder lever locks are very popular in commercial settings but are slowly finding their way in residential settings that have for long been dominated by door knob locks. The reason why most people today are preferring cylindrical lever locks over door knob locks is that they are more durable, and easier to operate.

The overall design and structure of cylindrical lever locks make them incredibly easy to use. Like door knob locks, cylinder lever locks are not suited for external use. They are usually used on interior doors because they provide limited security. Thieves and buglers can easily break or bypass this lock with minimum effort, thus not ideal for exterior doors.

  1. Mortise locks

Like cylindrical lever locks, Mortise locks are very popular in commercial settings. However, there are slowly finding their way into residential setting doors. One of the main reasons why more people nowadays prefer mortise lock is because they are more secure compared to cylindrical lever locks and knob door locks. 

Unlike the past when people used to focus on the quality of the exterior door locks, things have changed because some thieves can unlock even the most secure exterior door locks like deadbolts. As a result, most homeowners have found it necessary to enhance the security of their interior doors, and mortise locks seem to be their most preferred choice. Besides being more secure, they are durable, easy to use, and very reliable.

  1. Euro cylinder locks 

Euro cylinder locks are native to Europe but they are now widely used in other parts of the world including Asia and America. They are mostly used to secure patio doors and interior doors in residential settings. They are not suitable for external doors because they usually wear and tear with time and are also more susceptible to damage.

The overall construction of the lock makes them less secure. If security is not your top priority when searching for a residential lock, then you can consider installing Euro cylinder locks. They are quite unique and most people love them for their aesthetics. They are also self-contain, a feature that makes the installation process easier and cheaper.

  1. Electronic and smart locks

Electronic locks installation and smart locks are quickly replacing other types of residential door locks and many experts say that they will dominate residential homes in the next decade. However, it is important to note that electronic locks and smart locks are not the same things. In smart locks, instructions are transmitted wirelessly, while electronic locks don’t depend on wireless transmission. Instead, they depend on electric current.

Most homeowners install smart and electronic locks for added security, control, and convenience. It is important to note the electronic and smart locks incorporate most features of traditional locks mentioned above. The only difference is that they can be operated even when you are not close to the door.

If you are planning to install locks in your residential property but you are not sure which one to install, Locksmith Dubai can help you choose the best residential locks for your house. We have vast experience in residential locks and we will help you choose the best locks based on your budget and security needs.


Category: Residential Locksmith

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