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How Do Locksmiths Dubai Make Keys Without an Original Key?

How Do Locksmiths Dubai Make Keys Without an Original Key?

Aug-11-2023 | By Admin

Have you ever lost your house keys and needed to get into your home as quickly as possible? If so, you may have had to call a locksmith to help you gain access. Have you ever wondered how locksmith Dubai is able to make a new key without having the original? This process is called key cutting, and it is a skill that locksmiths are able to perform with ease. In this blog post, we will discuss how key cutting works and some of the methods that locksmiths use to create new keys!

We’re going to reveal some trade secrets today. When the old key is lost or stolen, we’ll explain how locksmiths create a new key.

Even without a key, it is still feasible to restore the lock’s functionality. “Impressioning” is a method that locksmiths Dubai employ to accomplish this.

For what kinds of locks may we use imprinting to create a new key?

Finding out just what keys blank the lock accepts will be the most difficult task, but it will work on a wide variety of locks. It’s simple to make a replica once you have a  blank since can replicate it.

How Much Would It Cost to Get a New Key Made by Locksmiths in Dubai?

The normal national average price for employing this approach is $30 to $35 includes the number of key blanks for an impressioning, if you merely want the locksmiths in Dubai to produce the key for you.

DIY: Am I Able to Create a New Key?

Impressioning is a sophisticated method. This implies that while it does require some skills and experience, if you’re intrigued in doing it yourself, it may be a worthwhile DIY project. However, if you’re going to do it  yourself own, you’ll need the appropriate blank. Additionally, the ideal individual to assist you in choosing the appropriate key blank is a licenced locksmith key maker near me.

Whether you’re just interested in how it’s done or you need to learn how to create a key for a utility box, toolbox, or padlock because you don’t have one, we’ll walk you through the procedure step by step. Just as with any other ability you develop, it just requires time. Which Materials Are Necessary to Make the Key?

The sort of key blanks the lock demands must first be ascertained when you don’t happen to blank. Due of the vast variety of key blanks, this stage is rather challenging to do on your own. So, take that lock to a key maker near me if you’re interested in learning more and testing this out. The locksmith will provide you with the appropriate key blanks for the lock.

Don’t simply buy one. To do the task, you’ll need at least two, and more key blanks in case something goes wrong. If you want to do this on your own, you will need more.

Forging a Key But without Original: Steps

Request a few blanks from a locksmith key replacement near me in Dubai. Even once you locate the blank, the key won’t turn inside the lock.

The next step is to use a Pippin file to shape the key blank together into sharp point, almost like a blade. Instead of going straight on layup, you will have to file off from the sides. This is a result of your attempt to draw the blank to a narrow point. Till it is reduced to a razor-sharp blade like this, steadily work over it.

Once the key has been filed down, firmly hold the blank in place with a set of vice grips. Use a flame and keep the flame there for a short while. The transfer marks formed by the lock will be easier to notice because of the soot left on the blank.

Put the sharp key blank further into lock using the grips, then begin to turn it. You need the lock’s pins or wafers to really mark the blank. This will enable you to see where cuts will be necessary to allow the keys to turn easily. Try whatever method you can think of to get those markings onto the key. Stir things up and down, twist it backward and forth, whatever it takes.

You will have to file the key after following the tiny impressions made onto the key blanks just as locksmiths Dubai do. You will initially need to only gently score it with the file and gradually shave it down.

Repeat the process by inserting the blank key back into the lock. This procedure is gradual, beginning with little grooves and depths; taking fresh impressions to determine where the filing should be continued.

Once the blank spins within the lock, keep taking imprints and filing it down. Eventually, you’ll discover that when turning and twisting, the key will really flip over when you return this to the lock for a fresh set of marks.

After allowing the key to rotate in the cylinder, look for any fresh marks. By filing it in accordance with these new imprint markings, you may fine-tune the key.

Iterate as necessary. Once the key is successfully opening the lock, you have the cuts necessary to create a new key for the lock. You can’t, however, stop here. This key has been filed down, making it slimmer and weak than it should be, therefore you shouldn’t use it.

Take it all back to locksmiths now that you have the right key marks, or if you have the tools, do it yourself. In order to have a nice, sturdy key that fits the lock, you must now make a copy or have a duplicate manufactured using the imprint and a brand key blank.

We are done now! If the existing key is unavailable, we create a new key in this manner.

Looking for locksmiths Dubai who can help you with your key making needs? Look no further than Key Maker Dubai! We are the leading locksmith company in Dubai, and we provide our customers with high-quality key-making services. We understand that losing or breaking a key can be a major inconvenience, which is why we offer 24/7 emergency service to our customers. If you need assistance by key maker near me, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


Category: Residential Locksmith

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