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File Cabinet Locks: How Secure Are They?

File Cabinet Locks: How Secure Are They?

Aug-11-2023 | By Admin

Cabinets for filing provide you with the essential storage space to store your essential documents and files. They also are secure storage options recommended by Dubai locksmith that shield your files from damage, loss, theft, and damage. They feature an excellent and robust locking mechanism that provides the best protection for your data. But, do you understand the way these security products, such as lock locks for file cabinets, work and how safe they are?

What Are File Cabinets?

To better understand how lock mechanisms for file cabinets are designed, let’s learn more about filing cabinets from Dubai locksmith. They are home and office furniture with drawers that hold papers as well as vertically arranged folders. These cabinets are mainly used to store documents and files and aid in organizing, taking them off from them, and making use of their use. File cabinets are usually described as having rigid fronts for drawers, receding drawer fronts, or a mix of the two. The receding front of the drawer cabinets can be shelves-type cabinets or pull-out drawer type.

How Secure Are File Cabinet Locks?

Locking something even if there isn’t any force put on it isn’t an excellent security indicator. If a lock isn’t capable of keeping the contents of the cabinet secure the contents, then it’s not a security mechanism. To be considered safe, it must be able to endure a certain amount of force and ensure its contents are safe from all sorts of threats which you can get from Locksmith in Dubai.

The straight locks on these cabinets aren’t the only security issue locking mechanisms for filing cabinets have. If you are familiar with locks, you’ll be aware that each lock comes with an individual key, and this key plays an essential part in the protection of the lock it’s coupled with. Most locks for file cabinets are fitted with keys with specific codes for keys written on the keys. This makes it simple for anyone to create an exact copy of your cabinet key should they wish to. No safeguard can be taken to stop this possibility, other than the moral compass, which isn’t something we can count on.

If you look at the lock and think of a variety of ways to gain entry, this is an obvious indication that the lock you are looking at isn’t a safe security alternative. For security reasons, it is safe to say that the lock for the file cabinet, which Dubai locksmith installs within their cupboards, is merely hardware objects and not much more. Apart from the fact that keys are vulnerable and weaknesses, they also have the danger that they could be quickly snatched or forced to open by just a tiny amount of force.

Security Comparison

This section will be brief, but Locksmith in Dubai wanted to evaluate the security of the standard locks for filing cabinets to various other locking mechanisms covered on this site. Comparing the effectiveness of these various security systems helps bring the security of the locks for file cabinets in the proper perspective.

If you assume that the majority of commercial and residential locks are more durable than those in file cabinet locks and file cabinet locks, you’re correct (for the majority of). It is tempting to think that the reason for this is just a thing of size. It’s true that if it’s a less hefty lock would be less difficult to break and cause damage, surely? That’s why vaults are safer than the typical doorstop lock. It’s true that how big the door may not always indicate its quality of security.

The primary reason commercial and residential locking mechanisms from Dubai locksmith are safer than locks for file cabinets is not their size. Instead, it’s due to the materials used in their construction and the design of their locking mechanism. A lot of commercial and residential locks are made from steel alloys as well as other strong metals that make them difficult to cut and to tamper with. If you contrast these locks with the standard lock for a file cabinet, There is no way you’d choose the former as the safer option.

Additional Security Measures

  • Cabinets used for storage of low to medium value assets must be fitted with lockable “sidebars.” Sidebars attach to the exterior of the cabinet and are secured with padlocks. If they are locked, the sidebars stop the drawers of your file cabinet from being open. Padlocks with high-security (such as Medeco) Medeco) are recommended using sidebars instead of standard padlocks. Sidebars and high-security padlocks can be purchased from many of the largest locksmithing firms.
  • The most valuable assets should be kept in a burglary-rated file cabinet or safe with a burglary rating. “Burglary-rated” signifies that the cabinet or safe was constructed to withstand burglary and has been evaluated by an independent test laboratory (most frequently UL). Safes and cabinets with a burglary rating are recommended to purchase from a trusted vault and safes firm.
  • Safes and fire-rated file cabinets are built to resist fire, but not burglary! Many fire-rated safes and cabinets use the same kind of “factory lock” as described above by Locksmith in Dubai and offer only a tiny amount of security. Check the UL label on your cabinet or on your safe to determine the rating. If you’re not sure, speak to the vault and safe specialist.
  • Get rid of the key code from your file cabinet and desk locks. The number is usually removed with sandpaper or a small file made of metal. (Be sure to record your drawer’s number to be used for references.)


Important and confidential documents require safe storage facilities, and file cabinets provide the most secure solution. They can serve various functions that improve the efficiency of everyday tasks in your business or home. Locksmith in Dubai hopes you’ve gained some knowledge about the degree of security offered by locking mechanisms for file cabinets. It’s not enough to comprehend what a cabinet is and how it helps keep your most valuable documents secure, but you should also be aware of how locks for file cabinets operate. A basic understanding of the mechanism that locks your cabinet provides you with confidence and security and can make the difference in issues with the lock or have lost keys.

Category: Residential Locksmith

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