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Easy Ways to Prevent Letterbox Burglary With the Locksmith Dubai

Easy Ways to Prevent Letterbox Burglary With the Locksmith Dubai

Aug-11-2023 | By Admin

It is common knowledge that many would-be burglars try to enter a home through the front door. Thus, it must be locked and bolted securely. Most people would also be aware that hiring a local locksmith in Dubai, such as Locksmith Dubai, is the best option. But fewer people may realize their seemingly innocuous letterbox’s security risks. A letterbox burglary occurs when an intruder gains access to a home or car using the letterbox on the front door.

The front door is the first line of defence for keeping your home safe. According to the statistics, intruders still prefer to enter a home through the front door (34% of the time, to be precise). The most obvious steps to ensure the safety of your front entrance are installing a sturdy door and locks that can be relied upon. However, many people fail to appreciate the significance of their letterbox until something goes wrong. It’s crucial to consider it part of your overall strategy for keeping your house safe.

What is “Letterbox Burglary”?

Unfortunately, a burglar can enter your property undetected through a letterbox and steal everything they want, even keys to other parts of the building or a parking spot. The intruder will reach up high on either side of the door to silence the opening noise and then use their hands to shove through the gap. Tools like hooks for snatching nearby items like keys and wallets could be in their arsenal. Unfortunately, burglars do not need to try to pick or break a lock; thus, both methods are incredibly effective.

Steps to Prevent Letterbox Burglary With Locksmith Dubai

Hide Keys From Sight

Don’t leave your keys in the door, mainly if your front entrance includes glass panels or windows. Criminals are usually opportunists; therefore, you should hide your keys so they can’t see them through your door or window as they roam around the neighbourhood. Instead, you should designate a secure location inside your home where you can keep your keys out of sight. It is also suggested that you not use key racks to keep track of your keys, as intruders can quickly discover them.

Draught Excluder

Have you upgraded to a letterbox with an integrated draught stopper? These days, it’s common to find a brush inside a letterbox. While the brush’s primary function is to prevent warm air from escaping and cold air from entering, the rows of nylon bristles can also increase security. A burglar won’t be able to peer into your home through the opening of your letterbox and see any missing keys or other objects that could help them break in, thanks to the brush that lines the inside of most letterboxes. If they don’t notice anything valuable, they’ll probably move on. If your current letterbox doesn’t have a draught excluder, Dubai Locksmith can install a new one for you that does. This new letterbox will also feature an interior brush to prevent prying eyes from seeing into your home.

Key-Operated Locks

Locks that require keys are the safest bet for a letterbox. Thumb-turn locks are especially susceptible to letterbox theft. Thieves have devised sophisticated tools to reach through the hole and manipulate the back lock knob. If you replace your locks with key-operated models, make sure you never lose the key. In addition, making sure that no robber can get in through your letterbox will also give you peace of mind that your family is safe from any other potential threats.

Letterbox Mailbag

There has been an uptick in vandalism and other anti-social activities as well. A letterbox hole provides an easy access point for those who may have ill intentions toward you or your property. Put in a fireproof, self-extinguishing mailbag for your mailbox to prevent vandals and arsonists from destroying your mail and your home in the process. To avoid any potential security risks, you may decide to have your letterbox removed entirely and replace it with an outdoor mailbox. If you need a new front door and don’t want to spend a fortune, you can choose a door without a letterbox and put your mailbox on the outside of the house.

Letterbox Restrictor

The inside flap of your letterbox can only open so far with the help of a letterbox restrictor. This deters burglars from forcing their way into your home through the mail slot, where they could potentially hunt for keys or open the flap with a rod or other tool. Having locksmith in Dubai install a letterbox restrictor may make you feel secure in your home. Alternately, you might set up a mailbox. There are two scenarios where a mail cage would be helpful.

To begin with, it can help you organize your mail and maintain a clutter-free foyer or corridor. The second benefit is that a mail cage makes it much harder for would-be burglars to employ technological tools to break into your locks. Mail cages serve the dual purpose of protecting your mail and blocking the view of any would-be intruders.

Remove Letterbox

Some people have found it helpful to put their letterboxes in separate, exterior boxes that you can unlock with a key instead of having them built into their doors. These containers look great at the front entrance or, if you have a sizable front yard, by the gate. Since fewer individuals will venture into your garden, this will improve your home’s safety. There will be no way for a burglar to break in through the front door now that there is no window.


Every home needs a letterbox since it’s the only practical way to get our mail. You must maximize its security if you call it a mailbox—letterbox, letter plate, mail slot, etc. Unfortunately, crooks always look for a simple entry point to your home. To avoid victims of their most recent shady tactic, you must stay on top of all aspects of your home security. When you need a reliable local locksmith in Dubai, call Locksmith Dubai. Be sure to get in touch with them at your earliest convenience if you are experiencing any difficulties with your locks.


Category: Residential Locksmith

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