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Are There Any Special Tools or Equipment That Dubai Locksmiths Use?

Are There Any Special Tools or Equipment That Dubai Locksmiths Use?

Aug-10-2023 | By Admin

Locksmithing is an age-old profession that has seen constant use. Locks appeared on the scene several decades ago as people became more concerned about the safety of their possessions. The use of fundamental abilities and equipment is a major part of this craft. It’s no surprise that locks are such an essential aspect of modern life; they prevent harm to our loved ones and possessions by barring unwanted guests. As technology and crime rates progress, companies have developed cutting-edge safety features. To do their job effectively, locksmiths need a variety of specialized gear. It would be interesting to learn more about the equipment used by locksmiths worldwide.

Regular Tools For Lock Picking

●   Plug Spinner

If a locksmith Dubai ever needs to pick a lock oppositely, they can use a plug spinner to make the task easier. The locksmith can pick the lock and then spin the inside plug to release it with a plug spinner, saving them time and effort. The locksmith can spare himself a lot of trouble and work by investing in a plug spinner. There are plenty of more expensive tools, but these are cheap enough to have around.

●   Key Decoder

Locksmiths can use a key decoder to determine what cut a key needs. Depending on the manufacturer, the key decoder will function slightly differently. There are universal key decoders and those specific to a single manufacturer. As a result, many locksmiths choose to carry a multi-key decoder.

●   Locksmith Gun

The act of picking a lock is made easier for a locksmith near me by using a special tool called a locksmith pistol. However, the locksmith gun is a worthy option to the traditional lock-picking tools if the lock in question is a typical pin tumbler lock. It won’t take long and won’t be difficult to pick the lock, but it won’t work on more complex locks, and it might even shatter them. It is essential to be aware of when it is appropriate to use the pick gun.

●   Key Tags

Because they may work through hundreds of keys during a single shift, locksmiths need to be exceptionally well-organized. The vast majority of locksmiths will have a pegboard in their shop on which they can hang the keys they use most frequently. A key tag is the best way to keep track of all of your keys and ensure that none of them are lost. Most locksmiths will have a favorite color and design of key tag that they use with their tools and equipment.

●   Broken Key Extractor

When people need a locksmith, one of the most typical reasons is that they have locked themselves out of their homes or vehicle. However, other times, a key becomes stuck inside the lock. Most key extractors that break into many pieces can still be used to liberate a key that has become jammed. The broken key extractor is useful when a key becomes jammed inside a lock and refuses to be removed.

●   Pin Tweezers

A pair of tweezers may seem like something a locksmith would require, but a pin tweezer is more specialized. A pin tweezer’s unique end grip allows a locksmith to grasp a lock’s pin securely. There is value in investing in a high-quality pair of pin tweezers. The cheaper ones often break because of the thinness of the instrument.

●   Bolt Cutter

A bolt cutter is a final tool on our list. When a locksmith’s options for unlocking a door are exhausted, a bolt cutter may be the only option. It’s wise to have a bolt cutter on hand, but you shouldn’t put all your eggs in that basket. Whether a commercial or residential locksmith, you must equip yourself with a bolt cutter suitable for the jobs you accept.

●   Eye Protection

A locksmith’s eyes need to be protected at all times. When drilling or building a new key, a locksmith can get wounded by flying bits of metal and plastic. A locksmith’s best bet in terms of eye protection will be highly reflective materials. Keep in mind that the locksmith is working on a relatively small job and will thus require a clear, precise vision to succeed.

●   Toolbox

A locksmith’s tools tend to be on the small side due to the intricate nature of the locks they service. A toolbox is essential for any locksmith, as it keeps them organized and gives them the confidence that they are prepared for any task. Seek out toolboxes that can hold the wide variety of tools a locksmith in Dubai may need. Select a portable tool that won’t break down as you go from one task to another.

●   Lock Pick Set

Anyone may get a lock pick set and practice picking locks; it’s not something only locksmiths use. This collection is not universally applicable, but it is useful to have on hand for simpler tasks. Given that the lock pick set will include tools of varying sizes, the most convenient design is a pocket set in which the tools may be folded out as needed. In this way, a professional locksmith can always have a set of useful tools on hand.

●   Head Specs

When working on a project, one must have proper lighting or safety goggles to see what they’re doing. The locksmith can’t use any old pair of headwear; they need to be the right size. They come in various strengths, and the Dubai locksmith needs to find one that fits snugly so that it doesn’t fall off as they work. In addition to providing UV protection, some eyewear for the head also has magnification lenses.


With any luck, you’ve gained insight into the locksmithing industry from this list of the top twenty tools. As a rule, locksmiths will need smaller precision tools. There are several approaches to locksmithing, but any professional will tell you that having the proper equipment makes all the difference. In any line of work, it is one’s expertise that serves as an indestructible asset, while one’s equipment facilitates the successful completion of projects.


Category: Auto

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